Squace is a social mobile browser that lets you use and share mobile services, content, and information. Squace lets you use sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail and many others, all in one application.
What’s special about Squace?
All your bookmarks, contacts, RSS-feeds and more are presented in a grid. Putting content in a grid is a great way to show a lot of information into a small screen.
How much does Squace cost?
Squace is free of charge for users. As a user, you only pay your operator’s regular data traffic fee. See your operators price chart for more information.
How to use Squace
Squace interface is built up by squares where each square represent a site or content of any kind. As you move the cursor over the grid, pop-ups display content behind each square. Click on a heading to display that squaces content. You can share a square with a friend, add it to My Stuff of course remove it.